
schedule or to order a report with date parameter and with context variable substitution.

  • 21 November 2023
  • 2 replies

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In the schedule report, it is only possible to select an exact date on the parameter : END MONTH
For example, it is not possible to use the value  :#END_OT_THIS_MONTH#, this value is not recognized. See screnshot attached.
It is strange because this value works in IFS Business reporter.
 Product Version: 23.1.0

when you try to schedule or to order a report with date parameter and with context variable substituion.*
IFS Cloud considers #END_OF_THIS_MONTH# or #START_OF_THIS_MONTH# patterns as a not valid date, so assistant is underline the field with a red line meaning that it is not a valid date. we can continue by clicking Next but Date is not added. when selecting the exact date from the calendar in Log date its working

Test steps to recreate this issue.
1 - Click on "Order Report" link in the navigator
2 - In the list of available report, select ReportId = HISTORY_LOG_REP
3 - Select report HISTORY_LOG_REP in the list and click on "Order Report" command, assistant is opening
4 - In "Module" field, select the first available value in the list
5 - In "Log Date" field, set value = #END_OF_THIS_MONTH# (form consider this field as invalid with a red line)
6 - Click on Finish command, IFS create the result key
7 - Use the following sql query to check the report parameter with the newly created result key

SELECT parameter_value FROM archive_parameter where result_key = 5119597 AND parameter_name = 'TIME_STAMP'

8 - TIME_STAMP column should have the right value


is it a Bug or is there any other way to do this?

2 replies

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@ChanakaAmarasekara  if you have idea about this please let me know


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Hi @Shidan , we have the same need in our company and after raising a case to the support, we received the following answer:


IEE and IFS Cloud are two different clients with different the feature which is available in APPs 8 which is using IEE Client is not available in IFS Cloud,
Currently, if a report parameter is declared as a date, only a single date is possible to enter in the IFS Cloud Web client. That means no substitution variables or other expressions are allowed. This is something can be look at as an enhacement request for future versions.

Please Add this in a IFS Community Idea wall and based on the analysis of the relevant team it will be considered in future releases.

if you want us to create it in a idea wall please let us know.

Unfortunately currently this was a limitation in IFS Cloud.


