
Apps 10 Aurena vs IEE

  • 10 December 2020
  • 11 replies

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Hi All, We are currently on IFS V8 and looking at Apps 10. We are evaluating the pros and cons of using Aurena Client vs IFS Enterprise Explorer (IEE). Can you please let me know whether Aurena has all the functionalities (including Solution Manager functionalities) that IEE has or , if we choose to use Aurena in Apps 10 , will we still have to use IEE for certain things ? Any help would be greatly appreicated.
Thanks , Ushani Gamage


Best answer by Yasas Kasthuriarachchi 18 May 2021, 10:53

View original

11 replies

Userlevel 5
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Aurena is the single future UI for IFS.  Therefore it makes sense to make this transition. There were some performance issues with early Aurena.  I would therefore, I would certain recommend looking at Apps10 update 9+, or IFSCloud 21R1 which shall be launched in March 2021,

Userlevel 7
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More in this other thread as well.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @linugamage ,


As @ShawnBerk  recommends check out the IFS Cloud vs Apps 10 thread.

We are currently live with IFS Application 10 Update 8 we upgraded from IFS Application 8 SP1 in July of 2020.  We currently utilize the IEE within our IFS Application 10 environment because it was less retraining of users to stick with IEE for the initial go live.  We have begun moving departments to the Aurena user interface and hope to complete the transition where possible by late 2022.  


We have been testing the Aurena interface for functionality and in IFS Application 10 Update 8 we have found we will still need to utilize IEE for certain functionality especially items under Solution Manger, Lobby Design and Time Clocks.


We are getting ready to the transition our safety team to utilize Aurena for Incident Reports which is great because they’ll be able to use their phones to enter and update Incident Reports.


You may want to watch the IFS 21R1 release videos and IFS Application 10 videos IFS have posted at you’ll get some good insight what in the releases.  



William Klotz

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Thank you everyone ! I’ll look into your suggestions. Appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

Userlevel 7
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While I will recommend going to IFS Cloud at this point rather than V10….there are possible issues you should consider to determine your needs and timing.  An analysis document has been added to this thread with the information I’ve compiled thus far.



Userlevel 7
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HI @linugamage,

I hope you receive the required answers via the above valuable responses. 
You may find following new KBAs to be useful as well.


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HI @linugamage,

I hope you receive the required answers via the above valuable responses. 
You may find following new KBAs to be useful as well.


Hi, I’m unable to access the above link and receive a message stating that I do not have the right permissions. The topic is definitely of interest for me and my employer and so I am wondering how I can get access to this?



Userlevel 7
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Hi @jardar.olsen,
Since you have registered as an IFS Customer you should have the access to those KBAs. Could you please try logging out from IFS Community and log back again and open the URLs.
@KristenGastaldo could you please check and assist on this access issue :)

Thanks & Best Regards,

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Hi @jardar.olsen,
Since you have registered as an IFS Customer you should have the access to those KBAs. @KristenGastaldo could you please check and assist on this access issue :)

Thanks & Best Regards,

Thank you! I only just registered as a community member so I might have been a bit too quick asking. :)

Userlevel 7
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Thank you! I only just registered as a community member so I might have been a bit too quick asking. :)

I’ve updated your permissions as a customer, so you should have access now!

Badge +1

Thank you! I only just registered as a community member so I might have been a bit too quick asking. :)

I’ve updated your permissions as a customer, so you should have access now!

