
Receive PO with Charges

  • 22 December 2022
  • 11 replies

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We are facing a weird behavior when we’re trying to receive one Purchase Orde Line partially.

we have 1 Purchase Order with 1 line (quantity = 10000 UN)

Step by step example:

  1. Add 1 Charge on Charges tab with Charge Price = 100
  1.  Receive into Inventory 1000 UN (partial receive)
  2. on Inventory Transactions History, this first transaction (ARRIVAL) was impacted by Arrival charges (until now everything seems fine)
  3. add a second charge with Charge Price = 50
  4.  Receive into Inventory 1000 UN (second receive)
  5. on Inventory Transactions History for this second transaction we cannot see anything related to charges.
  6. then we made a Manual Supplier Invoice for thar charge to see what will happen, and the transaction impacted was the first one and not the second (as expected).

Anyone with the same problem/question?




11 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +7


I have a question regarding the inventory transaction updated by charges; I added charges to the PO and received the inventory, but the inventory transaction amount does not include charges added to PO.  How to enable it?


The inventory valuation method for purchases part on the site is “weighted average”




Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hello @MelTanyaS,

How is defined the Purchase Charge Type used? What’s the option selected on the field Distribute Charge by?

If you want, you can send a screenshot of Purchase Charge Type (that you’ve used on the PO).



Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hello, thank you for your quick answer.


I just went on the charge type and enabled the “distribute at arrival” toggle + added the charge before arrival registration and it worked fine - i connected the charge line to a PO line number. In the inventory transactions I have 4 lines : M1 (2times) + M10 + M189 


Here is a screenshot of the charge type : 


In general, the customer registers arrival and some weeks later, when receiving the invoice, they know how much the freights charges are, so charges are added after arrival in this case; I tried the process but the inventory transaction does not get updated once charges are added to PO after arrival.


Do you have any idea on how to set this up ? 


Thank you,



Userlevel 2
Badge +7


Fill the Distribute Charge by with Per Amount for example.

because in your test you’ve this field empty:

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Thank you, I tried to fill the distribution type and it worked, but if I register arrival before adding charges, I still can’t get the right figures on the inventory transaction. Do you by any chance know how to tackle this and allow system to calculate value of inventory transaction when charges are added after arrival registration ? 




Userlevel 2
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You can do a “workaround”, that is:

  • Add charge on PO creation (=0.01eur, for example)
    • you can specify it on supplier, and then will be inherited in every PO’s
  • on arrival you already have a charge registered, but “without real value”

  • after the arrival you can go to the PO and change the value/amount of the charge to “real value” (change from 0.01 to 250eur). this change will be reflected on Inventory transaction, even after the arrival.

let me know if this helped you.




Userlevel 2
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Hi, thanks for sharing a new idea, just tried and unfortunately, the inventory transaction is not updated after I change the PO charge : 


I modified charge to 100 euros

The inventory transaction stays the same ‘(with initial charge of 0,01)

Have you already tried this process and if yes did it work ? if yes, maybe i’m missing some basic company setup or order setup 


Userlevel 2
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Register the Manual Supplier Invoice, and then the inventory transaction history should be updated and add new lines with the diferrence between initial charge value and the new one.

like this:


Userlevel 2
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Hi, just tried to create the invoice : charge line appears on invoice (first line) and posted invoice as well - but inventory transaction did not get updated. Did you allow some update toggle somewhere? 




Userlevel 2
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NB : the supplier invoice consideration is enabled at the site level

Userlevel 2
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Do you have “Transaction Based” on Inventory part Supplier Invoice Consideration?


After all set up and after the Man Supp Invoice, you should be able to see Inv Trans Hist changed and you can also see Transaction Revaluation Event for the Purchase Order




