
EDI Order Confirmation ORDRSP for failed incoming orders

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EDIFACT standards for the ORDRSP message appear to provide for a ORDRSP message if the incoming ORDERS message is rejected (see below), which I take to be in IFS terms then if the incoming order is at status stopped then an ORDRSP message could be returned with a code indicating that the order message (or order change message) has been rejected.

UN EDIFACT - If the MESSAGE FUNCTION CODE is a "12", "27" or "29" indicating that the total message was not processed, rejected or accepted. No segments, other than mandatory segments, need be used in the message Header, Detail or Summary sections. However for positive reporting purposes all the segments of the ORDERS or ORDCHG message, being responded to, may be used in ORDRSP.


However IFS only appears to be able to send an ORDRSP message once the incoming order has been approved and a customer order created.

Has anyone been able to work out how to send an ORDRSP message to customers when their order or order change message is at status stopped in the incoming orders / incoming order chnages?

4 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi @AntJeremF,

In this scenario, are you saying you’ve successfully received the Incoming Customer Order, but when you proceed to ‘Approve’ the Incoming Customer Order, the order is stopped?

If so, what is the issue you are encountering?  

In general, we’ve normally handled this with the user making necessary updates on the Incoming Customer Order and “pushing” the order through then contacting the EDI Trading Partner or the EDI middleware software to address the issue if they think it may be a repetitive mapping issue.  

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Hi, @astfarazt 

For example the ORDERS message is received into incoming orders, but lets say the customer has used a part number that is no longer available so the incoming order is ‘Stopped’. We can not push the order through to Customer Order as the part is no longer active but we need to send an order response message ORDRSP back to the customer so they know the order has been rejected.  I dont belive IFS has a solution for this as ORDRSP messages can only be sent once you have a customer order. 

Userlevel 4
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Yes, I’m not aware of IFS having anything natively to support this.  Practically, we’ve always addressed this as an email to the buyer who sent over the PO.  The trading partner would then correct the mistake and send a new PO or we’d continue with the original, select the correct part based on a discussion with the trading partner on the Incoming Customer Order and proceed from there.  


Userlevel 5
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Hi @AntJeremF ,

Correct, there is no native functionality in IFS to handle this situation. And I think it’s mainly because when an Incoming Customer Order is stopped, the possible reasons could be many of them and system cannot decide if the problem is a missing internal configuration or that data in Incoming message is incorrect. The reason for stopping the message is that data in incoming is not matched with actual configuration in application. 

Your example of an inactive sales part could be one of the possible ones to send a rejection message to the customer, but this is not yet implemented in IFS. 

As said previously, ORDRSP is only intended to be used to send a customer order confirmation, once the customer order is created, not to send notifications when incoming message is rejected.


