
Commissions -Apps 10

  • 29 August 2022
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 12 replies

Hello Experts,

If goods have been returned against a customer order, for which we were already payed commissions, will IFS application create any commissions lines to deduct the already payed commissions based on the credit invoiced created  ?, or do we need to manually deduct that commission amount?

I did following steps in the test Instance. 

-Create a customer order with Qty =5 and add a commission line with commission %=10. 

-Process the order till Invoiced/Closed. 

-Ran the "Calculate Commission" job for the "Site", "Commission Receiver Group" and "Commission Receiver" combination. 

-It updated the record in "Commissions Per Receiver and periods" window with correct commission amount. 

-Then, retuned, 2 parts via RMA and created the Credit invoice. 

-Customer Order > Order line details > Order line details has not been updated upon "Update all Commissions"


5 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +3



I am also testing new Commission Configuration set up in APPS9 and noticed that the RMA Credit Invoices are not showing up as negative Commission Amounts in the Standard IFS Commission Reports and views.

  • Commissions per Receiver and Period Report
  • Order Line Commissions Report
  • Order Commissions Analysis
  • Commissions per Receiver and Period


Did you hear back from your original question?  Should this be reported so that it can be corrected in IFS?


Thank you,


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi Both - Because this has been out for some time and not received a response, I would raise a case with support to investigate. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

@NayD If the case with IFS doesn't help, maybe you, or someone that has technical knowledge, prepare additional lines for the commission in case a credit appears. It all depends on how many credits you send out each month/year. If there are not to many, recalculate and manually entry/deduction should be possible. Or when there are quite a few, automatic generation of negative commission at the end of the month for example. Just a thought.

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

I just bumped into this old tread but thought reply anyway. It should create reversal commission lines for credit invoices as it explains in the documentation. Hope someone can confirm that with the technical investigation results.


The same applies if, for some reason, the basis for calculation is changed after a commission has been finalized. An example would be if you create a credit invoice for an order with invoice based commissions that have been finalized. In this case a correction of the commission will be transferred to the next commission period. In these cases the system will generate a correction line to the next commission period.

Badge +3

Hello All,

As it is my first post in the community, it won’t be perfect :-).

You wrote, you use either IFS9 or 10, but my answer is based on the Cloud function. Nevertheless, I hope it will give you a hint:

to calculate credit notes correctly you need to Finalize Calculation every time after it is reported. 

If a calculation is not finalized then credit notes deduct from order lines that are included in the historical calculations. e.g. if total amount was credited then IFS makes a commission ZERO. It leads to the situation that your historical commissions are decreasing every time and are definitely less than you reported to your commissioner.


When you finalize the commission then IFS creates new line with negative value.


The problem that I have now is that correction is higher than original. I will keep you posted if I find any solution to this



Kajetan Guzy
