
Project Transactions resulting from direct Material Issues to Project doesn't fetch a Sales Price

  • 1 March 2024
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1
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Hello Good Folks in the Community,

I’ve encountered an issue where “Project Transactions” created off of direct inventory issues to a Project Activity, doesn’t fetch the “Sales Price” from a “Specific Sales Prices” defined against the same Project. 

Environment - Apps 10
Version - UPD 12

See the following scenario: 
The Project in question has a “Specific Sales Price” (with a mark up %) defined against a “Material” type Report code (as highlighted in screenshot below) in “Project Setup Parameters” > “Pricing” tab. 

However, after Issuing some “Parts” against a Project Activity and execute the “Create Project Transaction” command in “Project Materials and Services” page resulting dialog box shows me that my “Internal Price” (Part Cost x Qty) is as same as the “Sales Price” (despite having a Specific Sales Price defined in the Project). 

Consequently the resulting “Project Transaction” has the “Internal Price” as the “Sales Price”, but i am expecting the Sales Price to be “Internal Price” x Markup % (see below). 

Most importantly this Project in question is a T&M (Time and Material) one, hence i need the Sales Price at the Project Transaction to bill it against the customer via the “Create Project Invoice” wizard. 

When we technically investigated the same scenario, it was revealed that there is a code that has been deployed via an IFS bug fix which is stopping the Sales Price being fetched when the associated “Report Code” is of type “Material”. 

I am confused as to why such a block has been introduced(or if we have not understood the code correctly - as i am not a technical person) by IFS.

Or I might be wrong here and/or missing a setup or a step using which i can get the system to fetch a “Sales Price” to a “Project Transaction” coming off of direct material issues to a Project. 

Any direction/guidance on this issue is much appreciated, since at the moment I am clueless and have exhausted all avenues to check.  

Thanks a bunch for the support! 


Best answer by Johan Lagerström 4 March 2024, 08:22

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Userlevel 4
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Hi @desilvasachitha,

Hope you are well and that you are enjoying Canada. 🙂

When creating transactions, the Margin functionality is used rather than the regular sales price lists, so have a look at the ‘Margin for Material Withdrawal’ pages to set up relevant mark-up:

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,


Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi @Johan Lagerström,

Thanks a bunch for the quick turnaround I really appreciate it!  
I am doing well and enjoying the subzero temperatures in Canada, thanks for asking!! 😉

I hope all is well in your world as well. 

Again, thanks for pointing me in the right direction “Specific Margin for Material Withdrawal” worked like a Charm and fetched the defined Margin when Project Transactions were created for Material Issues to the Project! 

For my specific issue however, I used the “Standard Margin for Material Withdrawals” instead of the “Specific Margin for Material Withdrawals” to reduce the admin work for the users to avoid having to define Material Withdrawal Margin % for each Project. 


P.S: However, still the confusing part for me is that considering an identical scenario where “Specific Sales Prices” defined against a Project that fetches the Sales Prices from any “Forwarded Supplier Invoices” resulting in a Project Transaction. (**Important to note that for “Forward Supplier Invoices” we have the option to either define the Sales price in “Specific Sales Price OR from “Standard/Specific Margin for Supplier Invoice”)  

So I am still a little bit lost as to why IFS blocked out(via some bug fix code as i explained in my original issue) the ability for Project Transactions coming from “Material Issues to Project” to only fetch the Margin defined in “Standard/Specific Margin for Material Withdrawal”.

This foe me creates an inconsistency in behavior and essentially creates an additional step for customers as they got to define a “Standard Price List and/or Specific Sales Prices” for other Transaction types and “Standard/Specific Margin for Material Withdrawal” just for Material Issues for a Project. 
