
Label printing

  • 11 November 2019
  • 18 replies

Badge +2

Hi, i am looking for experiences using either IFS built in report tool or 3P products for creating labels. Labels used for handling units (multiple level) and products. Labels using Odette standards and/or GS1 (GTIN) of extra interest. BR Håkan

18 replies

Userlevel 4
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IFS has Crystal Reports integration and is the best way (in my opinion) to create reports in IFS (either to replace Operational Report layouts or Quick Reports).

You will need to invest in at least 1 Crystal Reports Designer license (google SAP Crystal Reports, the latest version: 2016 is suitable for both Apps 9 and 10 but check with IFS if you are on an earlier version) and I would recommend reading the Technical Documentation thoroughly to ensure you know the ins and outs of going down this route.

All the best,


Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Here’s a non-Crystal Report option for printing labels out of IFS. Crystal is pretty bulky for generating barcode labels, has margin control issues on smaller label sizes, and requires a larger print engine to render a label.

  1. Getting the data out of IFS and into a label printing engine. Some options include creating a small text file that label engines pickup and process or sending the data directly to the print engine via a TCP socket connection (fast and no file is required).
  2. Designing and printing the labels - there are several options available that are focused on printing barcode labels. Some of these include,
    1. Loftware -
    2. BarTender -
    3. DSI EPP

I have sample PL/SQL code for generating the label data from any IFS object available. The sample code only sends fields that have one of the following datatypes; CHAR, VARCHAR2, DATE, NUMBER.

The PL/SQL code learns from the IFS object you want to print from. If you add custom fields, it knows about them.

The code is too large to cut and paste here.


Badge +2

Thanks a lot, i really appreciate your quick replies. I ask on behalf of an existing customer and i have invited them to this Community as well. Hopefully this can take us foward :)

Userlevel 4
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before joining IFS, I was a client. I have deployed barcodes solution with Wadaco and IFS Apps 8.

I used the NiceLabel software for editing large volume labels. In parallel, I have developped a custom output (in the Output Panel) that sends datas from an IFS Apps view or quick report directly to a connected label printer (Intermec PF8t) using the EPL language. No need to build a report with Report Designer or Crystal Report. You just have to check the printer language.

You’ll find here attached a sample, transposable to ZPL (Zebra) language for example or else (extensions have to be modified).

Badge +2

Thank you for sharing Sebastien :) :thumbsup_tone1:

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

@HAANSE  We are using Crystal Report for label printing. I will not recommend it. If you write the labels in the specific printer language you are in full control of the design. Then you do not need print engines and drivers.

This is a video from our pre-IFS solution. I am considering going back to this, when we upgrade to Apps 10. 

It is a mobile phone reading a NFC tag, sending the data to the ERP server through a web service. The web service the call another web service in the printer. No print engine, no drivers.

Let us know the solution you chose.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

@alanbclark  we currently use bartender for all labels and they are currently printed from the barcode scanner using a thirdparty barcode software.  We currently upgrading to IFS Application 10 and we plan on using WADACO so we need to solve the barcode label printing as well.  We need to stay with bartender so I’m very interested in how you solved your label printing.


Could you send me the sample PL/SQL code you mention in your post?


Thank you,


Userlevel 7
Badge +15

IFS has two options other than using Crystal. You can create a barcode (1D and 2D) from a report designer layout. This is the builtin feature.

If you have a barcode printer like a Zebra label printer then the best option is to use a ZPL script (EPL if Epson) along with using a report plugin layout (RPL layout). Report plugin is available  from Apps 8 onward.

See the following links/videos for more details.


Report Designer builtin feature


Script plug-in and RPL Layouts

Userlevel 4

We have made one solution what use file out migration job.

User select data and RMB print label

That will run short SQL, what update migration job select and then run that migration. It will then create file (csv or txt) to specifyed folder, where label printing software read it and generate print task.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

IFS has two options other than using Crystal. You can create a barcode (1D and 2D) from a report designer layout. This is the builtin feature.

If you have a barcode printer like a Zebra label printer then the best option is to use a ZPL script (EPL if Epson) along with using a report plugin layout (RPL layout). Report plugin is available  from Apps 8 onward.


That’s the solution we are using also for product labeling. We are using Intermec thermal transfer printers and the labels are designed in raw Fingerprint language. It was the only acceptable solution for IFS version 9 (for version 7.5 we had Crystal Reports based solution).

We have added our custom layouts as an additional layout for existing reports and make them default ones.

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi All,

   Please let me know what tool can be used to generate ZPL? As in the video ZebraDesigner is no longer free it seems. Or could the Demo version be used to create the script? Is there any other free tool that you have used before?

Going to use script plugins with report rules to select the correct printer.



Userlevel 1
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Hi Rajith, AFAIK you can use the free version called ZebraDesigner Essentials - it’s not as powerful as full but for small designs should be just fine. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Many thanks @dgralek I will try that.

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi @dgralek, hmm they all seems to be pointing to Demo versions.



Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Sorry I sent you pl link, here you have EN - 

Just click this button - you should get free essentials version.

then get the installer:


Userlevel 2
Badge +5

thank you. the download icon said demo and the installation also said demo so I was confused. But finally when the application opens up yes Product Level is ZebraDesigner Essentials :)

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

We have made one solution that use file out migration job.

User select data and RMB print label

That will run short SQL, what update migration job select and then run that migration. It will then create file (csv or txt) to specifyed folder, where label printing software read it and generate print task.


Hi @Jouni ..  I have a problem to make local printer print a barcode 

Can you give the example/documentation of how to :
1. formating script for printing 
2. send it to migration job, call it, and output the file for printer


If you need to print batches of address labels—or shipping labels, if you're running a business—it's almost certainly less expensive to print them yourself. Just consider your own Munbyn Label Printer and then make a very long lasting effect. 
