
Adding to Text Translations

  • 15 June 2020
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 1
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  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 12 replies

When i go into Text Translations Screen in IFS I don’t see an option to add more entries in there.  How do i add more words to be translated into IFS?


Best answer by eqbstal 16 June 2020, 09:16

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
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Maybe it helps us, why you want to do this. For example if it is for custom fields, that can be done elsewhere. 


Userlevel 1
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In the report for customer invoice the the item Class types are not being translated from German to English, so I was looking to see where i could add new words for text translations other than using the translation function in the report designer.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21


Thanks, that helps.

Have you checked if the API that prepares the invoice is capable of retrieving a translated text?

I’ve looked at CUSTOMER_ORDER_IVC_RPI which generates the customer invoice data. I can’t even find the item class. Is that customized for your company?


Userlevel 1
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Yes this field was added to the report.  We are using an api to get it.


IF(next_row_.contract = 'DG') THEN

               charactersitic_value_desc_  := Discrete_Charac_Value_API.Get_Characteristic_Value_Desc('DGCLA',Inventory_Part_Char_API.Get_Attr_Value(next_row_.contract, next_row_.sales_part_no, 'DGCLA'));

            ELSIF (next_row_.contract = 'DC') THEN

               charactersitic_value_desc_  := Discrete_Charac_Value_API.Get_Characteristic_Value_Desc('HARMA',Inventory_Part_Char_API.Get_Attr_Value(next_row_.contract, next_row_.sales_part_no, 'HARMA'));

            END IF;

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Ah, ok, I see what you mean.

That is tricky.

For the other readers, this is the screen that wcocom is referring to:

On the invoice the description of A1 value 1 should be printed in the correct language.

The description is taken from:

In our example the result Milk will be printed.

I agree with you that, at least up to IFS10 upd 6, there is nothing that will help you.

So your translations should be coming from somewhere else. I agree with you.

I think that I would use a conversion table:

Retrieve the values as follows:

select intface_conv_list_cols_api.get_new_value('ITEMCHARTRANS', 'FR_A1_1') from dual

This means that you will have to break open the coding between the lines:

IF(next_row_.contract = 'DG') THEN

end if;

Hope this gives some support,


Userlevel 1
Badge +5

Thanks for your help.
