
Functional Area Conflict Report

  • 18 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

In most IFS reports, if you go to the Report Definition, there is an underlying table that matches the Report ID.  This table holds the data gathered for the report.

For example, the Purchase Order uses the PURCHASE_ORDER_PRINT_REP.

By getting the Result Key shown in the Report Archive, you can access the data in that table for the report.

The Functional Area Conflict report lists the Report ID as FUNCTIONAL_AREA_CONFLICT_REP.  This table exists in the system, but it does not contain any data that matches the Result Key listed in the Report Archive.

Does anyone know where this report data is actually stored?


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +31

Hi @TosohLBlum,

I checked the relevant report package for this report “FUNCTIONAL_AREA_CONFLICT_RPI”, and it seems this report does not insert data into the relevant report table “FUNCTIONAL_AREA_CONFLICT_RPT” for some reason. 

FUNCTIONAL_AREA_CONFLICT_REP is actually a view and it fetches data from this FUNCTIONAL_AREA_CONFLICT_RPT table. 

However, it does insert the data as an XML to XML_REPORT_DATA_TAB, so you can check there using the result key. 

Hope this helps!
