
Change the Format Id connected to a Payment Method

  • 11 January 2024
  • 8 replies

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We have created a payment method CHK and attached the CHECK payment format id for this payment method. Payment also generated in IFS for a supplier using this payment method. I would like to know if we can change the format id connected to the payment method at this point?


thanks you in advance.


Best answer by Furkan Zengin 12 January 2024, 15:40

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8 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hello @Devanthi Shanika 

When modifying payment method IFS validates if the payment method is connected to external payment parameters and if the payment method is used as electronic payment address.

You should be able to change format ID

Hope this helps

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Thank you for your reply. At the moment, payment method is connected to electronic payment address details. This payment method is almost connected to all the suppliers in the application. Therefore, when I try to change the format id in payment method window it gives me errors. 

Userlevel 6
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Hello @Devanthi Shanika 

CHECK payment format cannot be connected to electronic payment address. It can only be added as payment method.

If the payment method is used for any supplier then first you must delete from suppliers and you can change payment format.

Hope this helps

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Hi @gumabs 

Actually by mistake, the ACH format ID has been connected to the check payment method. Hence, electronic address details are defined for supplier. Further payment has been made through payment order as well. 

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Hello @Devanthi Shanika 

Then I am afraid you need to

  1. Remove all electronic payment addresses and payment methods from the suppliers.
  2. Remove external payment parameters and payment method per institute.
  3. If the electronic payment address is used in installment plan on the supplier invoice then you must remove them as well. If the invoice is paid then most probably you will not be able to remove.

Long story short, if you the change is not that critical leave it as it is. If critical then follow the steps I shared. Start from step 3 and verify it first.

Hope this helps


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Hi @gumabs 

Thank you so much for providing a test plan. I just wanted to know if this will work even if there’re records in payment file trace information window and Format Specific Information per Institute > Payment file history information window.

Userlevel 6
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Hello @Devanthi Shanika 

You can delete format specific information per institute and payment file trace information.

Hope this helps

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