
Cannot Edit Ad-Hoc Report

  • 16 December 2021
  • 15 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi IFS Community,


we have several ad-hoc reports built for us.


When I check to the report wizard, some reports can be edited.(“Edit” window will be activated when the “Edit” link is clicked).

Some reports cannot be edited.  Although the “Edit” link is active, but it doesn’t do anything when it is clicked.


Is there any setup in the design time that can prevent the editing?


Version: FSM6U13.


Thanks in advance for your response.


Best regards,



15 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @JuniSihombing ,

Have you tried editing the ad hoc reports from the Ad hoc reports screen? 
Are you trying to edit them from the Reports screen > Ad hoc reports button and then edit it from the wizard? 




Userlevel 4
Badge +11

hi @Kalpa Perera ,


I am trying to edit it from Report screen > Ad-Hoc Reports (button)  and then edit it from the wizard.



Userlevel 5
Badge +12

hi @JuniSihombing ,

In FSM6U13 you can use the Ad Hoc Reports screen to edit the reports but users cannot edit the ad-hoc reports of other users in the Ad Hoc Reports screen.

The issue you have encountered in the Ad hoc Report wizard  which is opened from “Ad Hoc Reports” button can be seen in UPD14 as well. Please note that the above mentioned method (using Ad Hoc Reports screen) would be a workaround for this issue.

Please note that in UPD15 the “Ad Hoc Reports” button will be removed and users should use the workaround method to work with Ad-hoc reports.

Hope this answer helps

Best Regards

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi @Kalpa Perera, @Atheeq Maharoof,


I tried to find the Ad Hoc Reports screen you mentioned.  But I don’t have it.

Can you enlighten me under which menu the screen is?




Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @JuniSihombing ,

Check whether you have the following fuctions assigned to your role. 

These funtions should be given to your user’s role under the funtions tab. Meaning these funtions should be enabled to your user. 

Then > save > refresh cache full > and search for the Ad hoc Reports screen 

Hope this helps :) 



Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi @Kalpa Perera,

previously, I have ADMIN role which has the standard functions.


Then I created new role (and added myself to that role) which will contain the functions you mentioned.

But I cannot find the function ADHOCREPORT.  I also checked the baseline screen, cannot find it there.


Any idea?




Userlevel 4
Badge +11

o yeah, I refreshed the cache.

and also relogin :-)

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @JuniSihombing 

This is a screenshot of the baseline. 

the ADHOCREPORT funtion is available. could you please check again? 

Oh, Also make sure that you have that funtioned not disabled in your role when you assinged the role to your user. 

Hope this helps :) 

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi @Kalpa Perera ,

here is the screenshot from our environment: 


The functions are not disabled on the new role :-)



Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @JuniSihombing 

It's a Screen function, so it may be that the screen itself is disabled in the Role, but that seems unlikely given all the other Functions being visible
However,  To ensure the ADHOCREPORT Function actually exists in the database - this can be done in the SQL Query Tool.

select function_id from metrix_function_def_view where function_id LIKE '%ADHOC%'

Let’s start from there to figure out if the funtion exists in the database. 



Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hi @Kalpa Perera ,

here is the result of the query: (3 rows)


Only ADHOCCATEGORY screen exists.  As also listed in UI Designer:



Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi @JuniSihombing ,

Apologies for stating that Ad hoc screen is available on FSM6UPD13. That screen has been introduced in the FSM6UPD14. 

When trying to edit the reports (with no description), are you getting a blank white wizard ? If yes, then please refer the below comment.

The issue you have encountered in the Ad hoc Report wizard  which is opened from “Ad Hoc Reports” button can be seen in UPD14 as well. Please note that the above mentioned method (using Ad Hoc Reports screen) would be a workaround for this issue.

Please note that in UPD15 the “Ad Hoc Reports” button will be removed and users should use the workaround method to work with Ad-hoc reports.


Hope this answer helps.

Best Regards

Userlevel 1
Badge +5

Hi @JuniSihombing ,

Did you update your environment to FSM6U16 and do you still have your issue ?
We upgraded to FSM6U16 but it seems that the update button isn’t functional despite the four functions…

@Kalpa Perera / @Dayan Wijesinghe , are you aware of an issue with the update of old adhoc reports ?

Thanks for you help, 
Best regards,

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

@GAUTHIERM  have you tried to ask the owner of the ad hoc report to click on the upgrade button ? The upgrade buttons seems to only be available to the owner of the report


Userlevel 1
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Hi @ALFA , yes, we tried with the owner account. When we click on the “Upgrade” button, the message “This report needs to be upgraded” is still visible and we can’t edit the report.
