
Update price on "Supplier for Purchase Part" from pruchase order

  • 15 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Is there a function in IFS Cloud for updating the field “Price” in “Supplier for Purchase Part” from the view “Purchase Order” when we recieve an order confirmation with price difference? Or must we manually navigate to “Supplier for Purchase Part” and make the change?



4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +28

There is no automatic function to do this update.

Manual is one way to do it, and the only one in the control of the user (buyer).

A custom event could be created to do the steps you are intending to perform. Or a migration job could be used to update a large group on a recurring basis and then scheduled to do so automatically.  There are options, but would require setup.

I’m always curious how it is known that the confirmed price is the exact right price to update without human intervention?  Does the price never include tax, expediting fees, transport or surcharges?  Is that always the case?  Do you have metrics to see how far the price has drifted over time say from the beginning of the year?

These are all the sort of questions I ask when an operational group wants something automated completely, the automation has to hold 100% of the time for 100% of the sites or it has to be flexible enough and smart enough to catch the anomalies.

Userlevel 7
Badge +28

Here is a thread related to the migration jobs.


Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Thanks for you reply :) 

The request is not update the price automaticly and it is of course not always the case that confirmed price is exact price to update. The need is just an easier way to edit the price in this field by a human from the purchase order view by for example selecting one confirmed order line and call “Update price in Supplier for Purchase part”.


BR Johan


Userlevel 7
Badge +28

Ahhh, thank you for the explanation, makes perfect sense if you want the human to do it when they are confirming the PO.  While there is still no out of the box solution, it does present a couple of opportunities as to how it could be accomplished.  Two I can think of right off, but it depends on the version you are on how exactly it would be carried out.

  1. Add a check box to the PO lines named as you please, then create a function that is triggered by the confirmation of the PO to update each of the SfPP prices based on the check being ticked.  This would be useful if the POs are long lists of lines and the Buyer always catches the price update prior to confirming.  It would be triggered on confirmation and do all the marked lines at once.
  2. Create a RMB function that can be triggered per line at any point from the PO to update the price based on the selecting the function.  This would be more flexible as it could be done at any time, but also opens the door for doing things wrong or at the wrong time.  On the flip side it allows easy updates if the change is found after the confirmation step is done.
