
Can we handle service catalog changes only within assyst?

  • 22 September 2022
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1



Currently we handle requests to change our service catalog via a standardized form which is attached to service requests we use to proceed with changes on the service designer, event builder and configuration items.

We’d like to know if it’s possible to automate this process. We’d like to create a form in assyst that would gather the followin information:

  • Business Owner
  • Business Unit
  • Business Manager
  • IT leader
  • Responsible service department

We also ask both parties (on the IT and business side), which will be the service offerings and their agreed SLA resolution times.

From that form, we’d like to automatically update the service offerings and update (create or deactivate event builder entries). 


Anyone achieved this ? Mostly, I’m unsure on how to create a form suited for this kind of task, given the unlimited number of possibilites for creating service offerings and indicating their respective resolution time, responsible SVD and so on.




4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Could you build out something in the ETM to do that? 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Could you build out something in the ETM to do that? 


Well, if there’s nothing built-in inside assyst, then I could use ETM to accomplish that.


However, I guess with ETM that would require at least another step besides a channel and datamapper in ETM: some sort of scheduled routine or a rule in action processor to handle that new form and convert it to ETM channel’s expected format, right?


Regards, Otmar

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Could you turn it into an (or set of) offering(s) then us the action processor to feed the relevant variables into a POST API? This would allow admins to make a modular script in the background for the service owners (etc.) to consume. This would allow you to define the mandatory and optional fields and use drop downs and system lookups to drive accuracy of the data coming in.

We haven't done this in particular, but we do hold our offerings in the CMDB as items so that we can run lookups and expressions to provide a dataset to access through API and SQL.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hello Steve.


Thanks for your reponse! I’m not really familiar with bundle offerings. Do you know if that would enable me to have a dynamic number of fields / questions ?


I ask that because new services have a varying number of offerings: some of them can have up to 8 offerings whereas most of them have around 4 or 5. 


Do you know if by using a set of offerings ( assuming that could be done with bundles) we’d be able to tackle this scenario, where the number of offerings is unknown beforehand? So far, the best we came up with was to arbitrate a large number, say 10 or so, that would suffice for our current service catalog, and add them to the main form. Thereafter, we’d consider offering only for those fields which are not blank.



