
Handling units losing Availability Control after WaDaCo inventory move

  • 7 July 2020
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

We are using Availability Controls with our materials to prevent certain parts from being backflushed or issued to orders, or shipped prior to an approval.  Our issue is that when we move these materials with Move Handling Unit, the Availability Control is lost.  We can’t put a default on locations because we could have different parts with different controls in a given location.  We tried using Move Part, but if we have multiple lot/batches on a Handling Unit, it is split with Move Part.  Does anyone know of a different way to save the Availability Control during an Inventory Move, or prevent the splitting of a multi-lot/batch Handling Unit?

1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

I can actually not recreate the problem when testing the core solution in our internal environments at IFS R&D. I tested “Move Handling Unit” via WADACO as well as via the “normal” UI, and in both cases it works fine.
