Providing a general Framework solution for Aurena Bug when searching by "Date Created" field in several screens

  • 18 March 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Reported Issue

On several Aurena screens, applying a search or filter using the "Date Created" field with the "Exact Date" setting, does not work (i.e. it returns no results at all). The customer are reporting this issue for several windows in different product areas. For supply chain product category this was reported for supplier shipment, purchase orders, Distribution orders and we have delivered this fixes separately. However the customer has recently found Purchase Requisition Lines (page) > Rejected Date (field) – Not working correctly.

The Customer Request

The current approach of IFS seems to be to try and fix only those specific fields which we have identified, but this method will inevitably continue indefinitely as we find more and more fields with the same bug. As we understand it, the issue occurs whenever the Oracle Database holds “DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS” but the Aurena page only displays “DD/MM/YYYY”.

Therefore ask that IFS perform a search of their own code and database schema to find every instance where this issue occurs, and take action to fix it thought the whole Aurena application.
It is very likely that the same issue also affects other date fields on other Aurena Pages. Therefore, it would be much appreciated if we could cover all the date fields in the Supply Chain product group as the customer requested and provide a framework solution.


Nikila Dissanayake

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hi @Nikila Dis ,

  Yes, we agree that need to provide a framework solution for this. And as you mentioned this is not just specific to Supply Chain client pages. There is a framework work task related to this created sometimes back. But, it is still not prioritized may be due to other priorities. Please refer for more information.


