
Upgrade to Cloud from IFS Project Delivery to Project Deliverables

  • 21 August 2023
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 2
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Since Project Delivery is no longer available in IFS Cloud and now there are IFS customers preparing for the upgrade from IFS9 and IFS10 towards IFS Cloud we are having questions raised by the customer and by ourselves as an IFS Partner.


Benefits & Differences:

  1. What are the (new) benefits of Project Deliverables compared to Project Delivery?
  2. What are the key differences of Project Deliverables compared to Project Delivery?

Upgrade path and considerations:

I have found another post that mentions how the data is handled. Basically it is stored for historical history purposes but there is no transformation path to the new solution. 

How is Project Delivery data handled when upgrading to Cloud | IFS Community

  1. Customers will have ongoing IFS Project Delivery projects, what is needed to continue with the running projects as IFS Project Deliverables projects? 
  2. Has anyone have done this upgrade project and would you share your experiences so we can learn from it?
  3. Does IFS R&D has an statement on how they advice the upgrade approach for this particular matter?


I am looking for answers, any help is welcome. 

5 replies

Userlevel 2
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Any feedback from IFS heroes?

This info should be delivered from IFS RnD, it is a part of design change from IFS (modules PDMPRO and PRJDEL, where PRJDEL is replacing PDMPRO in IFS Cloud).

Namely, how to upgrade from IFS10 Project Deliveries to IFS Cloud Project Deliverables. This is missing in standard upgrading scripts. Is there any alternate source of scripts or documentation how to migrate to Project Deliverables in IFS Cloud?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Best regards,
Zdenek Bäumelt

Userlevel 2
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The solution that IFS is giving is that the Project Delivery to Project Deliverables transition should take place in IFS10 before migrating to IFS Cloud. As there is no standard upgrading script to move from Project Delivery to Project Deliverables. 


Userlevel 6
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@Harm de Brouwer 12Guide Hope the following tech doc will help you too*60o0ow*_ga*MTQ0MzgxMjIzMy4xNzA1MTQzMzU3*_ga_H7YJR9R7Q1*MTcwOTg5OTIwMi4zMjEuMS4xNzA5OTA0OTE5LjAuMC4w

Badge +4

@Harm de Brouwer 12Guide 
Could you more clarify statement “transition” in IFS 10, please? Is there any funcionality that supports this?

And what about customers that are skipping IFS 10?

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

@Harm de Brouwer 12Guide 
Could you more clarify statement “transition” in IFS 10, please? Is there any funcionality that supports this?

And what about customers that are skipping IFS 10?

With Transition I mean making sure you finish all open Project Delivery structures and that you create new projects with Project Deliverables. So that will most probably mean that you will use the Project Delivery and Project Deliverables solution at the same time for a period of time, naturally phasing out Project Delivery while addopting Project Deliverables. 

If you skip IFS10 then you will not have this opportunity of phasing-out Project Delivery and addopting the Project Deliverables in an gradule manner. 
