
Error creating Activity "domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE"

  • 21 September 2023
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

My problem is similar to this one:

Except that it happens when I try to created an Activity in the Project Navigator. If I try the steps described in the link above, it is still not working. I also tried these steps below - very similar - without success:


I ran that query in Oracle SQL Developer to find the incorrect indexes and I have 3.
select index_name,index_type,status,domidx_status,domidx_opstatus from user_indexes where index_type like '%DOMAIN%' and (domidx_status <> 'VALID' or domidx_opstatus <> 'VALID');


Following the two procedures above on all three incorrect indexes solved nothing.


In the Search Domain page of an incorrect index, trying to drop that index displays that error:

internal error code, arguments: [12806], [kkdcdtc: missing object], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Failed executing statement (ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [12806], [kkdcdtc: missing object], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])


After that, I am able to complete the steps in the procedures above but the result is still the same at the end and if I try to add an Activity under a SubProject in the Project Navigator, I still have this error:

domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE


Details are:

Ifs.Fnd.FndSystemException: Unexpected error while calling server method AccessPlsql/Invoke ---> Ifs.Fnd.FndServerFaultException: ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE

ORA-29861: domain index is marked LOADING/FAILED/UNUSABLE
ORA-06512: at line 16
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ACTIVITY_API", line 10164
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ACTIVITY_API", line 10227
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ACTIVITY_API", line 10281
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ACTIVITY_API", line 2408
ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ACTIVITY_API", line 2415
ORA-06512: at line 10
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.ParseErrorHeader(FndBuffer buffer, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.UnMarshalResponseHeader(Stream responseStream, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.HandleHttpSuccessResult(HttpWebResponse result, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, String operation, FndBodyType responseBodyType, Object responseBody)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.InvokeInternal(Object requestBody, Object responseBody, String intface, String operation, FndRequestContext requestContext, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, Boolean forcedSync, Boolean integrationGateway)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.InvokeInternal(Object requestBody, Object responseBody, String intface, String operation, FndRequestContext requestContext, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, Boolean forcedSync, Boolean integrationGateway)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.InvokeInternal(String intface, String operation, Object requestBody, Object responseBody, FndRequestContext requestContext, Boolean forcedSync, Boolean integrationGateway)
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLCommandCollection.Invoke()
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLSelectCommandReader.Read(Boolean prepare)
   at Ifs.Fnd.Data.ADONetProvider.FndAPCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +13

I’m not sure if it helps (thi is Apps9) but it may be one of these with a status not Indexed.  



Usually coming from an index requiring rebuild or in error.


If you have PL/SQL access these queries may help

SELECT t.*,t.status

FROM  user_indexes t



SELECT owner, index_name, tablespace_name, status

FROM   sys.dba_indexes where status not in ('VALID')


select index_name,index_type,status,domidx_status,domidx_opstatus from user_indexes where index_type = 'DOMAIN' and (domidx_status <> 'VALID' or domidx_opstatus <> 'VALID');

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Your first query (SELECT t.*,t.status FROM  user_indexes t WHERE status NOT IN 'VALID') returns a single INDEX_NAME with a value of ITEM_CLASS_CAUSE_MV_PK. I tried to rebuild that index but it returned an error:

   An error was encountered performing the requested operation:

   ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
   01452. 00000 -  "cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found"
   Vendor code 1452

That index seems to be the primary key of table ITEM_CLASS_CAUSE_MV so it is probably not related to my problem.

The second query returns 124 indexes with a STATUS equals to “N/A” and 1 index with a STATUS of “UNUSABLE” (it is ITEM_CLASS_CAUSE_MV_PK). I tried to find some of these 125 indexes into IFS EE but I found only ITEM_CLASS_CAUSE_MV.

I already tested the third one and it returns the same 3 indexes that I cannot rebuild in IFS or in Oracle SQL Developer (the last one, ACTIVITY_TIX, being to one that is causing me problems):


Userlevel 6
Badge +13

Oh, sorry, I can’t offer anything other than you probably need to speak with your DB admin. 


Good luck!  


