
Outgoing Test Environment email

  • 8 December 2022
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 4
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  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 60 replies

We often do a production copy to our preproduction environment. Is it possible to route all the event triggered emails to one admin email address so that users are not sent false emails from the preproduction environment?


Best answer by malik.sally 10 December 2022, 10:13

View original

6 replies

Userlevel 7
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We have a script that is run post-copy to take every email address in the environment and replace the ‘@’ with an ‘~’ effectively destroying the email address, but leaving it intact.  Then no jobs have to change and no replacement has to happen.

This also allows flipping the email address back on easily if needed for testing through IT or super users.

We copy PROD to QA every two weeks on a schedule and this post-db copy script is ran automatically as part of the process before bringing QA back online so it doesn’t impersonate PROD.

Userlevel 5
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I use post-copy script with updates on fndcn_config_param_tab, fnd_setting_tab and plsqlap_environment_tab. First one table is related to email account settings: username, pwd, host, etc,.


Userlevel 3
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Do you really want the emailing off in your Test environment?  If off or addresses messed with, how do you tell if your events work before deploying to production?  How do users find out about background job issues?

We leave emailing on in Test.  We also add the database name in the subject of the emails.  Then we turn off most of the scheduled tasks only turning them back on for testing of that process.

Userlevel 7
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Yes, we definitely want the emailing off in TEST or QA AND want the email addresses altered as well.  It only takes one time of a test environment spamming customers or suppliers with already sent invoices or already sent POs to create an absolute mess (been there, done that).

We turn the emails on in a controlled fashion and replace/update the email addresses when required for testing as part of the final process.

We have the database name in the subject line of emails too, but believe me customers and suppliers have no idea what that means.

Userlevel 5
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With a few tweaks, it is possible to achieve.

  1. Make sure the Default Mail Sender has a specific email address which Identifies the emails coming from TEST environment. Also, Make sure to select the ‘Override Mail Sender’ check box to TRUE.


  1. In the Mail Server relay rules (Touch base with you IT / Mail Server Administrator) add a rule to forward all mail relays from the above specific email address to a distribution list you want.
    Ex: is always fowarded to


Badge +3

@MWILSON - how do you get the database name? Would love to add this.
