
IFS with Microsoft Edge

  • 2 December 2020
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11


Please can you provide information on the below issue we are seeing across our estate while rolling out Microsoft Edge.

We are using IFS Apps 8.

IFS Users use Edge to open IFS with ClickOne and are now seeing this additional pop up:


We would rather that a User not be forced each time to go through this step and click Open.

Our infrastructure engineers have confirmed that the GPO settings that manage the Microsoft Edge browser are compliant with Microsoft Security Guidelines and have tested to the limit their solutions. Any information would be greatly appreciated.



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6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Your screenshot is missing - are you able to post? Also, are you using Chakra Edge (Legacy Edge), or Chrome Edge?

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

The message users now get is the following:



When they click Open IFS will login successfully, however we wish to remove this prompt altogether. We didn’t have this prompt until recently.


The version of Edge is shown below:





Userlevel 4
Badge +8

The prompt is a result of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen's URL reputation scanning service. The Open this file-prompt appears regardless if the ClickOnce file is deemed safe or not:

ClickOnce in Edge


To my knowledge and what I have been able to find it is not possible to disable this prompt without disabling the ClickOnce alltogether functionality in Edge. 

To do this you can enter edge://flags/ in the Edge Browser URL field and disable ClickOnce


Next time you click on the IFS .application link the browser will send the .application to the Download Tray and you can choose to “Always open files of this type”. Next time clicking the link it should open automatically without the initial prompt.


You should be able to control the above with a policy. Check here:

Policies - AutoOpenFileTypes


Best regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +30

Another option could be to install a browser extension that would allow starting ClickOnce links. IFS has one, but it is only available for Apps 9 and 10. I am not sure, but I think it would work on Apps 8 too. But since you have App 8 you do not have access to the extension or the installer of the ClickOnce handler. Possibly IFS support might be able to provide you with the installation, for you to try out.


Userlevel 7
Badge +30

See also:



Badge +1

We had this problem as well and got around it by creating an enterprise mode site list to allow IFS to open in Internet explorer mode within Edge and then pushing this out to the users using group policy.

The link below explains the settings necessary to do this:

Configure IE mode in Edge