
Project time transactions not creating Cost lines in project navigator

  • 4 September 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

The Report code is Time.The PRJT1 and PRJT2 postings have been setup with project pre-posting. Do IFS create cost element lines such as expenses, labor etc in ‘Project navigator’ screen when ‘project time transactions’ T voucher get created with PRJT1 and PRJT2 postings with internal cost values? 

The hour tab is getting updated in ‘Project navigator’ screen but the Cost tab does not get updated with cost element lines. Would this be a expected behavior?




2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Good morning Zuha,

We use Apps 10 Aurena and had the same issue (i.e. Project Monitoring page shows data on the Hours tab, but nothing on the Cost tab). We solved it via the “Resource Group” page...

  • Open the Resource Group page an search for the “Used in Project” = Yes.
  • Select the applicable Resource group, and click “Resource Detail” command button.
  • Open the “Project Related Cost” tab, and ensure they cost data is populated as required (Note: The “Internal Price” field should be populated with the cost/hour for the resource in question).
  • Open the Persons tab, and ensure the correct employees are listed.
  • In the record selector, click the “Expand” button.
  • In that expanded view, Click on the “Employee Name”
  • in the Main view, open the "employee” tab, and make sure there is a Primary Scheduling record in place. If not, press + to create that record then press save.
  • After adding that record, open the “Project Connections” page, and click “Refresh Project Connections”
  • Work thought the assistant and then check Background Jobs to make sure it’s finished executing


Then re-open the Project Monitoring page and hopefully the Cost tab should now show some data

(You mentioned “Porject Navigator” which is an EE page. The above Aurena steps might be slightly different to the EE steps but I hope they are similar enough to be able to follow it though).

I hope that's of some help?

  • Robin
Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @Zuha Samsudeen,

You would typically only set up PRJT1 (i.e. the cost posting) with project preposting. The PRJT2 posting is for the internal recovery, typically posted to the cost centre (without project preposting) of the resource reporting the time.

This means that if PRJT2 is also set to use project preposting, it will cancel out the cost coming from PRJT1, with the net effect of the project cost showing as zero.

Is there a reason for setting up PRJT2 with project preposting? If not, I’d suggest removing it which should then show cost on the project (note that this will not impact existing transactions though).

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

