
Customer invoices posting error

  • 10 February 2020
  • 13 replies

Userlevel 1
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Hi all,

Getting below bug:

ORA-20105: Invoice.ACCERROR1: Error (The Currency Posting Amounts for the Invoice XXXXX are not Balanced) occurred while booking Invoice CR XXXXX


How to debug?



13 replies

Userlevel 3
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We had similar kind of error message, when IP postings were missing. IFS needed to correct those transactions.

Userlevel 1
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@Maaret Eklund ,  How to find IP postings missing in IFS. Please tell us.

Userlevel 3
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Go to Customer invoices with errors,  press F2, select the line and go to Postings. Then you can validate if you have IP postings or not. 

Userlevel 1
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@Maaret Eklund , Thanks for the reply.

Posting control is M34.

how to check it is correct or not?

How to correct transaction for M34.?


Userlevel 3
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There should be also posting for Accounts receivable, IP4 and possible posting for Tax, IP2. If those are not there, then you should ask IFS to correct transactions.

Userlevel 1
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@Maaret Eklund, Why IP4 and IP2 is needed?

For the particular  invoice, M34 is there and account is product Revenue.

Customer Invoice posting Analysis


Userlevel 3
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In accounting you need to have always two postings. Without IP4 there is no postings in accounts receivable and without IP2 there is no tax postings. 

Userlevel 1
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@Maaret Eklund , Thanks for the reply.

IP4 and IP2 is available in Posting control window.

But, IP4 and IP2 is need to be available in customer invoice posting analysis window under posting type column also?

If it is not  means it will throw error?


Userlevel 3
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sorry late answer. 

If IP2 and and IP4 are entered in posting controls, those should be automatically created when customer invoice is printed. So for some reason, those postings are not now created, and your voucher is not in balance. 

We have not find a way to solve those errors ourselves and IFS Finland has always solved those issues. If you have not yet created case to IFS, I would suggest you to do that. 

Userlevel 6
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We have had these issues in the past and it required a Release from IFS Support to resolve.



Userlevel 3
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As @Maaret Eklund and @PRODQ said, you should definitely create LCS case. This kind of problem has occured before and very likely it is a bug.  Depends on the particular case it might be something wrong with invoice date used to pick currency rate or wrong prepayment invoice consideration or even tax rounding difference.

BR, Lukasz

Userlevel 7
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This error message is a very generic text - can occur for different kinds of reasons. 

If you want to debug yourself, add 2 oracle triggers to the inv_accounting_row_tab table for the insert and update processes. Triggers’ purpose should be to print table amount columns and posting_type column into a trace table.


By doing so, you can monitor the values of IP2, IP4 and any other postings. Then you can compare the printed values with the actual values of the invoice - just to get an idea where the incorrect amount is.


But for an in-depth analysis as suggested already in previous comments, you will need to proceed for a LCS case.


Hope this helps.




Userlevel 1
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I like to add note here even post is old:

We are still running IFS 2004FLEX (it have been our ERP for 16y). First time in our history, we faced same error messages when we tried to post customer order invoice.

As we don’t have support anymore for our system, I need to spent few hours to debug invoice creation / posting SPs. I like to share my findings if it help someone later. 

When CO is converted to Preliminary invoice, CO line level discounts are created to ifsapp.cust_invoice_item_discount_tab -table for actual invoice creation/posting process.
For some (still unknown) reason, all discounts, which are available on CO lines, aren’t calculated/used when Preliminary invoice header -info when it is created.

So system ends up to situation where sum on M28/M29 from invoice posting lines wouldn’t match to Invoice header net amount and system gives “The Currency Posting Amounts for the Invoice XXXXX are not Balanced”.

I made this workaround to get invoices posted:
Export posting lines of invoice from inv_accounting_row_tab > sum M28/M29 and check and compare sum against header net amount. Then find out, which line level discount on cust_invoice_item_discount_tab matches to difference (M28/M29 vs header net) and remove line from discount table.

Then proceed normally with customer invoice posting and it will create voucher.
