
How to avoid crossing State/ Country Boundaries for a PSO Resource

  • 7 November 2022
  • 4 replies

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We have a requirement where technician from one country should not be able to cross boundary and move to another country to work on a task near the border area of another country. We are not using Division or teams/ skills. Can we use Barrier functionality in PSO to achieve this? If yes how should we configure the barrier points? Any idea/ suggestion?


Best answer by Sajith Anushan 7 November 2022, 14:45

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Userlevel 6
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You can use barriers, but it will be more realistic to use Divisions/Regions. How to setup barriers is explained in detail in PSO Travel guide. Attaching the documentation here.

You can refer page 20 onwards. 

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@Sajith Anushan Thank you for your reply. I am trying to use Divisions/ Regions for achieving this as per your suggestion. I have updated Region in address which is flowing to PSO against the activity. Also I have created same regions in PSO as Divisions and assigned some technicians against each division. Also I have created the shifts of the technician separately for each division. Now my expectation is based on the region of the activity, PSO should allocate a technician who belongs to the same division. But that is not happening. Am i missing anything here?

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You should consider setting the Out Of Region Multiplier on the Resource Type to 0 (zero). That will exclude the tech from getting tasks in Divisions/Regions not defined on the resource.

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Hi @Shamika_Elux 


I've just asked a similar question to stop bridges being used through London.

I have viewed this with video for barriers too, which explains them.


Hope this helps.


